Welcome to courses at Myskjatunet
Myskjatunet is located at the farm Nordre Ekrem in Totenvika. The place has ancestry going back to the viging age or before. Earlier there has been a great production of onions on the farm.
Address: Totenvegen 1231, 2848 Skreia
Myskjatunet is located between Evjua Strandpark and Totenvika school. Follow the number plate for house number 1231. Drive doown from the main road (fv 33) towards the lake, Mjøsa.
There is free parking at Myskjatunet, but unfortunately no possibility for charging an electric car.
The nearest charging station is the Yx petrol station on Skreia
Totenvegen 1203 – room in an apartment
Booking through Senter for livshjelp/Myskjatunet. E-mail: bestillinger@livshjelp.no Phone: +47 64 913990/+47 41409200
Totenvegen 1203 is the closest sleeping alternative, about a 10 minute walk away from Myskjatunet.
Apartment 1 has one bedroom and a bed in the living room with shared kitchen and bath. Price: kr 500,- each night, if you wish to stay alone kr 750 each night.
Apartment 2 has three rooms, up to 4 sleeping places. Shared kitchen, living room and bathroom. Price: kr 500,- each night.
Bring your own towels. The apartment has to be cleaned before leaving.

Picture: Google maps
Evjua camping og strandpark
Contact information: E-mail: idyll@evjua.no Phone: +47 958 13 385 (press 4).
Evjua Strandpark is about 3 km away from Myskjatunet. The price is from kr 480 each night per person, and you can choose if you wish to buy ready-made bedding, towels and/or breakfast. You can buy cleaning service for kr 350,- (at cost price when you attend a course at Myskjatunet)
The cabins have a mini kitchen, bathroom, a toilet with sink. In the service building you can take a free warm shower if you include towels in your booking.
Toten tretopphytte (tree top hut)
https://totentretopphytte.no. Email: poost@totentretopphytte.no. Phone: +47 93012436. Address: Alfheimvegen 69, 2848 Skreia.
Toten tretopphytte is located about. 1 km away, about a 15 minute walk away. When you attend a course at Myskjatunet you get 20 % discount. Be sure to inform about this when you are booking.
Faarlund B & B
http://faarlund-bandb.no/dining%20%26%20events.html Address: Faarlundsgutua 41, 2848 Skreia. Tlf. +47 91749544.
ca. 7 km away, 10 min with a car. Many of our course attendants are very happy with staying here. PS: They do have a dog
Hoff Gjestgiveri:
https://www.hoffgjestgiveri.com/ Phone. +47 61161016. 10 km away, 13 min med bil.
Experienced, friendly hosts who have been running since the 90’s. Good food.
Sillongen Toten hotell:
https://sillongen.no/ Phone. +47 61 19 69 00
Annextad Gård
Facebook-page: https://www.facebook.com/Annexstadgard
E-mail: annexstad.gard@gmail.com / Phone: +47 47269384
Gjøvik Vandrerhjem Hovdetun
E-mail: post@hovdetun.no Phone: +47 61 17 10 11
Stabbur/cabin at Kollbekk, Østre Toten
Heksehusstranda camping
Is located at Kapp, about 15 to drive from Myskjatunet.
Have cabins/stabbur at the summer.